Increasing pellet moisture by 1.0% can save producers thousands of dollars per month. MoistTech model IR3000 has been successfully installed at many of the new pellet producing locations along the Gulf coast.

Moisture measurement improves dryer performance and helps reduce the risk of explosion and fire while over drying is also avoided resulting in significant fuel savings.

More importantly, prior to the pellet machinery controlling moisture to a target of around 9% to 12% moisture level assures the production of a high quality pellet. A major advantage of measuring and controlling moisture is that this reduces down time of the pellet manufacturing operation while also keeping moisture levels at an optimum. Water is much cheaper than fiber. Dust reduction is also achieved at higher moisture levels reducing the risk of problems related.

Users report significant savings, less process interruption and more importantly a 100% record, 24 hrs. per day of the pellet process.

For further information contact MoistTech.