Our Advantages



Instantaneous Measurements

MoistTech Corp. is recognized as the world’s leader in moisture measurement for online process and laboratory moisture instrumentation using NIR (Near Infrared) technology.  With over 40 years of moisture technology experience MoistTech has established the most extensive user base in the moisture management industry.

Recognizing such products already exist, our goal was to create not just another NIR moisture gauge, but to analyze the deficiencies of existing gauges, incorporate customer feedback & new technology available, together with our own extensive knowledge into a superior sensor design.

Headquartered in Sarasota, FL we have regional sales, support and manufacturing facilities located in Southern California and New England. Additionally, we have sales support offices located throughout the world with our Asia/Pacific office headquartered in Australia and locations worldwide allowing quick reaction to customer needs and providing exceptional product support.


Our Advantages – Why NIR (near-Infrared)

Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and imaging are fast and nondestructive analytical techniques that provide chemical and physical information of virtually any matrix. NIR can tell us things about a product in a similar way to visible light. When light hits a product, it will interact in various ways. Transmitted light will pass through the product while backscattered light will reflect from the product. Light will also be absorbed by the product. Absorption is the key to our NIR analysis.

MoistTech manufactures non-contact online sensors with hundreds of measurements per second. We are maintenance free one-time calibration. All our sensors are instant with hundreds of points of data measurement per second providing real time accurate measurements. MoistTech is a no drift optical design to ensure the accuracy and repeatability needed. 

The IR-3000 is MoistTech’s Online Sensor that was developed for instant, non-contact analysis in the harshest environments. Insensitive to material variations such as particle size, material height & color, the IR-3000 provides continuous, reliable readings without drift or frequent re-calibration.  Using this device, operating personnel can make immediate process adjustments based on real-time measurements.  The net result is improved quality and reduced production costs by savings in energy and loss reduction.

The MoistTech NIR technology is a ratio-based measurement with prime beam. This eliminates the sensitivity to distance, improves stability, improves accuracy and provides a no drift design. Our unique design allows for extremely accurate measurements with far more sensitivity than that of our competitors. This proves us the ability to measure very difficult application where others cannot.


Low cost


Highest accuracy


Newest technology & most advanced software


Very low to zero maintenance


Most advanced software


Surface mount electronics


Product Quality Monitoring

Allows immediate production line adjustments to improve product quality and consistency


Hard Pet Foods

Allows 100% monitoring of your production process to reduce product that is “out of specification”


Fuel Consumption Savings

Reduce your energy usage as the drying/cooking process can be controlled resulting in a reduction in energy consumption 


Water Savings

Reduce your water usage by continuously monitoring moisture content


Dust Prevention

Help reduce the risk of explosions due to dust

For more information on our NIR Moisture Sensors, Online NIR Moisture Transmitters, Laboratory/Benchtop Moisture Transmitters, and any of our accessories please  contact MoistTech.

We look forward to working with you!

We're Here To Help!


Suite 52 Austlink Corporate Centre

14 Narabang Way, Belrose NSW 2085 Australia